Курсы иностранных языков
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The Test of Russian as a Foreign Language
The Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) is a standardised multi-level exam designed to assess Russian language proficiency of candidates who want to study and work in Russia or to obtain Russian citizenship. TORFL was launched in 1992 (the same year as our language centre) and since 1998 has been compulsory for entry to Russian universities. The test is supervised by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
The test can be taken at six levels varying in difficulty. Below short descriptions for each level are provided:
- Elementary: very limited command of the language sufficient to convey and understand only general meaning in a highly limited number of familiar everyday situations (simple greetings like “Hello, how are you” etc., simple questions and answers involving basic information, understanding of simple texts and stories (written or spoken), ability to write short passages of a few simple but connected sentences on a given topic).
- Basic: successful use of simple language to handle basic communication in typical everyday situations, ability to understand the main idea of a conversation in Russian and to successfully maintain conversation on a range of familiar topics by asking questions and producing adequate reactions, ability to understand the full meaning (including details) of simple authentic texts in Russian, ability to write short essays on a range of non-specialist topics using simple but varied language structures.
- Level 1 (Intermediate): generally effective command of Russian with occasional inappropriacies and misunderstandings; ability to understand general conversation involving fluent speakers and fairly complex language with only minor losses of detail or subtlety and occasional need for repetition and rephrasing; ability to understand the general idea of authentic Russian texts on a variety of non-specialist topics, ability to write texts of various styles and to express personal opinion on a range of non-specialist topics, albeit with quite a few errors when attempts at fairly complex structures are made. This level enables the candidate to apply to Russian institutions of higher education. However, further training in the Russian language is obligatory for applicants at this level. A typical level 1 preparatory course usually lasts for one year.
- Level 2 (Advanced): operational command of Russian enabling the candidate to hold a continuous conversation with native Russian speakers on most non-specialist topics, with occasional inaccuracies and misunderstandings in some unpredictable situations. The candidate can understand detailed argumentation and communicates using fairly complex language, both orally and in written form, without too many errors. This level enables the candidate to study for Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees at Russian universities, with the exception of certain areas in Arts and Philology.
- Level 3 (Proficient): fully operational command of Russian with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies. Misunderstandings may occur in completely unfamiliar situations. The candidate can successfully handle complex detailed argumentation in Russian. This level enables the candidate to participate professionally in such areas as linguistics, translation and interpreting, editing, journalism, diplomatic service and management in a Russian-speaking environment. The candidate can study for Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. degrees in these fields (except certain degrees in Philology), do scientific research in Russian and teach Russian at an Elementary level.
- Level 4 (Fluent): fully operational command of Russian: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. Language proficiency is close to that of a native Russian speaker. The candidate can take part in conversation on a par with native Russian speakers, can render information, express subtleties of feeling and emotion, maintain his point of view on any topic accurately and using a range of complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, can read and understand specialist articles in Russian, write fluently on any topic in a range of styles, with only occasional minor inaccuracies and slips of the tongue/pen. This level enables the candidate to receive degrees in any research areas including Russian linguistics and to teach Russian as a foreign language to non-Russian students at all levels.
The TORFL test consists of 5 parts (modules):
- Grammar and vocabulary
- Reading
- Listening
- Writing
- Speaking
The difficulty of tasks and the allotted testing time for each module varies depending on the TORFL test level.
The test modules are of equal importance, each constituting 20% of the candidate’s final grade. At each level the test is graded A to C. Successful candidates will be awarded a pass certificate in Russian as a foreign language.
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